Friday 14 May 2021

Miscellany at St Denys, 11th May 2021

 GBRf, DB Cargo, and further miscellaneous workings.

66750 Bristol Panel Signal Box runs through with 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh, composed mostly of MXA wagons.

'EWS' 66129 passing with 4O43 03:59 Wakefield Europort - Western Docks.

Class 455/8 5864 as 5B39 10:03 Wimbledon - Bournemouth. This unit was new in October 1983, and while now re-tractioned with ac motors, it is quite a bit older than the Class 317 units being scrapped at Eastleigh. Scrapping will likely follow once Class 701 is in traffic.

DR 98958 + DR 98908 3Z14 09:33 Tonbridge Engineers Siding - Totton Yard. Earlier, at Southampton Parkway.

66726 SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY passses the Garston Freightliner while hauling 4M19 11:50 Western Docks - East Midlands Gateway.

66135 with a further load of Minis, 4O39 09:43 Cowley - Eastern Docks.