Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Eastleigh Works, 1st May 2021


50026 Indomitable.

142089, 57303 Pride of Carlisle (previously 47705), and 08567.
68505 a former Gatwick Express DMLV has been hiding in parts of the works for some years, pending disposal. Originally constructed as 61299, a 2-HAP (Class 414/3) DMBSO, to Lot 30452 at Ashford (underframes) and Eastleigh (body) in September 1959 for set 6101.

977988 (51413) appears much as when it arrived o 8th May 2019. A Pressed Steel Class 117 DMS, delivered in October 1960. From November 1999 used in water cannon unit 960301.