Monday, 3 May 2021

Class 317 disposal update - Eastleigh Works, 1st May 2021

57303 Pride of Carlisle close to DTC 77230 in 317659, which arrived on 25th March and was new as 317359 in March 1986.

73133 lies close to 317651 (DTC 77222 nearest), which arrived on 15th April. Originally delivered as 317351 in December 1985.

DTS 77205 of 317654, which arrived on 15th April. Originally delivered as 317354 in December 1985.

317669 (DTC 77284 nearest) is the newest arrival, on 29th April. Originally delivered as 317369 in March 1987.

In the Raxstar area, DTS 77282 of 317671 is the only remaining vehicle of the unit.