Monday, 25 May 2020

Around Eastleigh, 20th and 21st May 2020

66739 Bluebell Railway arrived from Marchwood, and entered the T&RSMD to refuel. The 1960s extension building behind is planned for demolition (F/20/87841 - at Eastleigh Council).

It was preceded by 66710, which had earlier arrived from Westbury.

66846 departing with 6V27 13:27 Eastleigh -Hinksey.

66416 departs with 4M61 13:00 Maritime - Trafford Park.

08511 ws shunting.

The new JNA box wagons have been operating to Fareham, and a better picture than this one is desirable. 81 70 5500 824-4 appears to have arrived in the UK in February.