Thursday, 21 May 2020

37716 picks up 37069 from Eastleigh, 20th May 2020

37716 0Z16 09:06 Willesden - Eastleigh
37716 + 37069 0Z69 12:44 Eastleigh - Crewe, via Willesden

37069 was started and running when awaiting collection, and was in multi with 37716 as it left Eastleigh. Shown as on 'TEST' at Crewe on 21st, then appears available for traffic by lunchtime.

37069 ready and running at the works, with 50026 making an appearance at the left.

'DRS London on a Mission' - 37716 arrives from Willesden. This locomotive was new from Robert Stephenson & Hawthorns on 27th February 1963 as D6794, first allocated to Gateshead, later 37094 from November 1973 (according to my notes, I first saw it as 37094 in 1981-82). Rebuilt as 37716 in December 1988. Sent to Spain in May 2001, numbered L034, later L23. Returned to the UK in August 2013, and stored for DRS. Returned to service in 2016.

37716 having arrived at the works. 

The pair running through platform 3.

When will be the next time for a pair of DRS 37s at Eastleigh?

Further coverage on Flickr.