Saturday, 25 April 2020

20th - 25th April 2020

Monday 20th April: 67014 5Z14 09:40 Eastleigh - Cardiff; 20311 + 20314 + 47813 + 6340 + 42505 + 42284 + 40707 + 44043 + 40755 + 42361 + 6344 5O86 09:32 Ely Papworth - Eastleigh (47813 for C exam, HST trailers from various ex-GWR sets for Locomotive Services) one two three four five six seven, 20311 + 20314 5L46 15:54 Eastleigh - Ely one two
Tuesday 21st April: 60028 6Z91 16:16 Westbury - Up Yard one two three four five
Wednesday 22nd April: 60028 6Z90 07:49 Up Yard - Westbury; 47812 + 47848 0M59 10:21 Eastleigh - Leicester one two73961 + 73964 1Q66 10:59 Woking - ... - Basingstoke - Laverstock - Romsey - Eastleigh - Fawley (recorded as being there on RTT) - Eastleigh - Romsey - Laverstock - Woking one two three
Thursday 23rd April:  47805 + 90001 + 90002 5Z36 07:17 Crewe - Eastleigh (coaches Mk3A TSO 12171 Mk3B FO 11068 Mk3A TSOB 10411) one two three four five six, 47805 + 86101 5Z37 15:56 Eastleigh - Crewe (coach Mk2A TSO 5366) one two three four
Friday 24th April: 60028 6Z91 16:16 Westbury - Up Yard one two three (seems to return on Monday morning)
Saturday 25th April:

66731 came out of the paintshop at Eastleigh in a 'Thank You NHS' scheme.

70813 has the new Colas logo.

5-WES Class 442 MBC 62944 (442405) has been scrapped by Raxstar at Eastleigh Works.

Eastleigh Works: 09Apr - 14Apr - 15Apr - 16Apr

Class 707 to move to South Eastern. These were in the South Hampshire area in the mileage accumulation period in 2017.

How 23 Pacers in storage could save this Yorkshire heritage railway from collapse