Monday, 25 June 2018

Midsummer Friday evening freight at Eastleigh, 22nd June 2018: DB Cargo

66024 on 4O21 0912 Trafford Park - Western Docks.The same loco and much of the same stock as two weeks previously, and Flickr suggests that it recently has been dedicated tot the working.

66063 4V39 17:36 Eastern Docks - Cowley return empties for BMW Mini. BMW have uncertainties over handling Brexit for this business.

66118 worked 6O42 11:31 Halewood - Eastern Docks, with loaded Range Rovers. 66118 too appears to have been dedicated to the working in recent days. Halewood production is currently under some downsize pressure.

66118 returned from the docks to proceed to the T&RSMD.