Saturday, 16 June 2018

37612 and test train, Eastleigh, 14th June 2018

37612 was sold to Harry Needle Railroad Company in 2017, and last month started a hire to Colas for test train working. Seen here at Eastleigh on Thursday evening, 14th June.

Originally delivered from Robert Stephenson & Hawthorns as D6879 on 2nd October 1963. entering traffic at Cardiff Canton. Dual brakes fitted in 1969, and renumbered 37179 in December 1973. Heavy General and converted with alternator to 37691 in February 1987. Transferred to European Passsenger Services as 37612 in December 1995. Allocated to DRS in July 1997, received attention in 2011 for work on nuclear traffic, but stored in March 2017, and sold to HNRC in July of that year.

The locomotive is seen to be running on cast bogies.

The maximum visibility of the locomotive from a public location, in Campbell Road.

Notice reads: ON HIRE FROM HARRY NEEDLE RAILROAD COMPANY (but this appears to be a retail website)

Brake force runner 96604.

2nd brake runner 96608.

Generator Van BG 6263 (followed by Ultrasonic Test UTU-2 62287 and DVT 9703).