Thursday, 9 May 2024

69007 at Eastleigh, 8th May 2024

69007 Richard Trevithick was to be one of the stars of the Swanage Gala. However it failed on the North London Line earlier on 8th, while working 4O07 04:40 Peterborough North Yd - Eastleigh Works, and was rescued by 66792. The problem is loss of air, and various resources at Eastleigh could not repair it, so 69002 became a replacement for the tour trains, and at the gala. The consolation prize was getting to see it in the sidings at Eastleigh, before it is moved for repair - still present on 9th.

69007 was converted from 56037, which was new from BREL Doncaster in January 1978.

Parked alongside 66025.

The Richard Trevithick name was previously carried by 37417.