Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Steam on Shap, 13th April 2024 3: 45212 in the empty stock for 'The Jacobite'

47245 V.E. Day 75th Anniversary + 45212 5Z12 10:50 Carnforth Steamtown - Crianlarich (for an onward working to Fort William).

35486 6000 6022 6103 1860 3360 - the passenger carrying coaches in this rake are fitted with Central Door Locking, per West Coast Railways news announcement (which should be read with care, as there is much controversy). While the coaches and 45212 are air-braked, there is no obvious ETH source for the air-conditioning, with some rumours of a Class 37/4 hire-in.

47245 approaches Scout Green. The weather was poorer than an hour earlier when the earlier steam trains passed, and many had driven away.. However 3 steam trains in one hour seems remarkable.

47245 + 45212 on their northbound journey.

45212 (Armstrong Whitworth, 1935) operates under the management of Riley & Sons (E) Ltd.

3360 (BREL Derby, Lot 30859, 1974) has recently been repainted back into West Coast maroon, after a period in Pullman colours. While this is a FO, it carries no marking for this, and West Coast are reported not to be selling first class seats.

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