Friday, 26 April 2024

56096 to Westbury and back, 26th April 2024

56096 on driver training or similar. There is once again talk of a flow to Eastleigh of sleepers from Cemex Halling Cement Works in Kent.

0F75 10:13 Eastleigh East Yard - Westbury Down T.C.

Two pictures of 56096 approaching Romsey

0F76 12:23 Westbury Down T.C. - Eastleigh East Yard

As 56096 leaves the Chandlers Ford line at Eastleigh, 59203 enters with 59203 6V62 13:21 Up Yard - Westbury Tarmac

56096 runs into platform 3 at Eastleigh.

The crew then changed ends to run into the East Yard.

56096 seen running into the siding where it was parked.

56096 was then parked and shut down. We await advice of the next workings -  0F75 and 0F76 are listed again on Tuesday 30th - but were cancelled.