Friday 19 April 2024

47749 on a 701 move, Eastleigh, 18th April 2024

47749 CITY OF TRURO 0Z75 10:35 Eastleigh - Marchwood
47749 (+ 701029) 5Q78 13:19 Marchwood - Wimbledon Park
47749 0Z80 16:35 Wimbledon Park - Eastleigh

47749 clags on departure from Eastleigh, thankfully a tad late, as this was a VST working, in place of a 701 move from Wimbledon.

A closer view from the Campbell Road bridge. 47749 is now in its 60th year.

The loaded working was early out of Marchwood, but held to time at Totton.

Classic 47 platform view.

Some detail of the special connection to 701029, which was sent for storage on 6th September 2023, having originally been delivered on 1st May 2021.

47749 sets off from Eastleigh.

701029 being dragged up towards Shawford.