Saturday 25 November 2023

40145 on 1Z42 to Burton-on-Trent, Romsey, 25th November 2023

"The Winchester Christmas Excursion"
40145 + 47848 T+T 1Z42 15:41 Salisbury - Burton-on-Trent

40145 (D345) arrived at Romsey just on sunset.

The loco has been reversed, and the headboard is now in the centre position.

The going away shot ...

... which can be compared with this picture of 40122 (D200) 36 years ago, on 27th September 1987. More pictures from the Basingstoke Railfair weekend.

FO 3325, of Riviera Trains, Lot 30859 (BREL Derby December 1973) was repainted at Eastleigh Works in July 2022

47848 on the rear of the train.