Saturday, 21 October 2023

16th - 21st October 2023

Ten years ago, 60092 passes Chepstow on 22nd October 2013. This week saw the DB Cargo operating fleet reduced to 5 working locos. 60092 was stored in August 2023.
Monday 16th October: 37418 (+ 975025) 5Z01 11:02 Derby - Bournemouth one two
Tuesday 17th October: 37418 (+ 975025) 2Z02 07:35 Bournemouth - Weymouth - Southampton, 2Z03 10:48 Southampton - Portsmouth Flickr for Mon & Tue
Wednesday 18th October: 37884 (+ 317506 for scrap) 5Q86 08:57 Ely - Eastleigh one two, 0H72 15:58 Eastleigh - Wembley Flickr for the day; 47749 (+ 701519) 5Q20 09:14 Derby - Eastleigh one
Thursday 19th October: 47749 (+ 701057) 5Q45 07:12 Eastleigh - Marchwood one two, 47749 0M10 11:00 Marchwood - Leicester; 47593 + 47810 1Z74 05:56 Woking - Havant - Fareham - Eastleigh - Romsey - Kingswear, 1Z76 16:35 Kingswear - Romsey - Eastleigh - Fareham - Havant - Woking Flickr for the day; 43251 + 43274 1X23 15:25 Salisbury - Southampton - Salisbury (running late after fitters' attention at Westbury)
Friday 20th October: 800022 5X22 16:18 Reading - Arlington one (on preceding Stoke Gifford - Reading)

59003 returned to normal traffic on 6V41 on 16th Flickr for the week

313 disposal had counted down to the last BDMS 62604 of 313212 by Wednesday 18th - seen earlier on Saturday 14th. Meanwhile 313201 has confirmed new ownership.

Last week's news has been refreshed and updated.