Sunday 17 June 2018

Freightliner Class 70 in decline, 16th June 2018

Will it be a case of a "fall and rise"? 14 Class 70s are reported to be in a row at Leeds Midland Road:
70013, 70009, 70016, 70018, 70001, 70019, 70005, 70010, 70006, 70017, 70004, 70003, 70002, 70008

Only 5 or 6 Class Freightliner Class 70 locomotives seem to be available for traffic, and most activity seems to involve workings to and from Southampton.

Updated 19th June: 70007 moved to Leeds, 70008 back in traffic

On Saturday, the notable southbound working was 70011 on 4O27 05:21 Garston - Maritime.

70011 leads its train past Millbrook.

At Maritime, 70011 proceeded as far as Redbridge, from where the train was reversed, with a pause to separate the train into a second siding. Here 70011 passes the loco inspection area.

On the eastern side of the bridge.

70011 has now been detached from the train, seen behind it in two sidings.

70007 was also present at Maritime. This appears to have last worked on 4O29 15:13 Trafford Park - Maritime on Wednesday 13th, and is next expected to be removed dead-in-tow.

70014 may have worked to Garston in the early hours - having previously worked south on 4O29.
70015 is understood to be in the Southampton area, but no visibility.