43028 (+43149) leading 1A87 15:30 Edinburgh - Aberdeen, passing Aberdour, 2nd January.
43357 then followed leading 1Q18 15:37 Edinburgh - Slateford. [PLPR-1](Radio Survey coach/OLE inspection coach 'Mentor' set) ran instead of the NMT. This power car started work for Colas immediately after Christmas.
43272 on the rear.
43175 (+43148) 1A79 09:30 Edinburgh - Aberdeen, Aberdour, 5th January.
43321 + 43285 0Z22 0910 Slateford - Aberdeen -Slateford, passing Aberdour, 5th January.
43321 was yet to work a proper test train, so this driver training turn was a surprise.
43285 was reactivated for Colas work in October, and carries their logo.