Monday 27th May: 50008 + 20007 0M50 07:00 Eastleigh - Kidderminster Flickr for the day
Tuesday 28th May:
Wednesday 29th May: 57303 (+ 458427) 5X64 11:27 Wembley -Southampton one two, 5Q64 15:34 Southampton - (failed at Poole, moved to Bournemouth on Thursday)
Thursday 30th May: 73128 (NSE colours) 0Y62 08:59 Eastleigh -Tonbridge one two Flickr for the day; 43013 + 43062 1X23 15:28 Salisbury - Redbridge - Salisbury
Friday 31st May:
Saturday 1st June:
56094 came back to Eastleigh in 6O41 on 28th, and moved on to Tonbridge workings by 29th. On 30th it was again retuned to Eastleigh, and is scheduled for a Saturday night CE trip to Clapham Jcn.