Saturday, 30 March 2024

25th - 30th March 2024

Monday 25th March: 802001 5X83 13:23 Basingstoke - Eastleigh one two Flickr for the day
Tuesday 26th March: 69009 (+ 458422) 5X64 11:46 Wembley - Southampton Down Loop one two, 5Q64 15:35 Southampton Down Loop - Bournemouth, 69009 (+ 458501) 5Z66 20:18 Bournemouth - Eastleigh Flickr for the day; 69008 0Z20 14:27 - Eastleigh
Wednesday 27th March: 69008 (+701004) 5Q78 07:52 Eastleigh - East Yard  where the train was failed -Marchwood, 69008 (+701xxx) 5Q79 1022 Marchwood - Eastleigh, 69008 0M79 16:00 Eastleigh -Leicester; 47810 + 57311 T+T 5Z47 14:06 Bristol - Eastleigh Flickr for the day; 69009 (+ 458501) 5Q70 18:32 Eastleigh - Widnes
Thursday 28th March: 66730 + 73970 0Z73 13:20 Eastleigh - Doncaster one two three; 67005 5Z67 11:14 Burton-on-Trent Wetmore Sidings - Eastleigh one two
Friday 29th March: 67005 1Z68 05:10 Eastleigh - Aviemore Flickr for the day
Saturday 30th March: 47810 + 57311 3Z45 04:06 Eastleigh - Poole, 1Z46 05:53 Poole -Canterbury West, 1Z47 15:59 Canterbury West - Poole Flickr for the day
Sunday 31st March: 47810 + 57311 5Z50 00:04 Poole - Eastleigh

Isle of Wight: 5 trains have become 4 – and SWR are buying wheels from a scrapyard!

20311 outside at Eastleigh Works

Class 769s seen on nocturnal workings in Kilmarnock area - 769922 & 769959 which we saw in and out of Eastleigh some 3 years ago. Update from Brodie Engineering.