458428 inside Eastleigh Works, 27th February. 458423 lies beyond, the pair having arrived as 5Q77) 11:15 Bournemouth T&R.S.M.D - Eastleigh Arlington (Zg) on 26th.

On 27th ,59102 Village of Chantry led 6O68 09:11 Westbury Tarmac - Crawley, on a roue via Southampton, seen here passing Lee. Image by Roger Homan.

66306 SCS Logistics running through Millbrook with 4Y19 12:22 Mountfield - Western Docks., 27th February. Image by Roger Homan.

59004 PAUL A HAMMOND running through Romsey with 6V62 13:21 Up Yard - Westbury Tarmac, 29th February.
Monday 26th February: 69010 0Z24 11:19 Eastleigh - Leicester
Tuesday 27th February: 57303 (+ 458420) + 57306 5X62 05:31 Wembley - Bournemouth, 57306 (+ 458522) + 57303 5Q64 13:15 Bournemouth -Widnes Flickr for the day
Wednesday 28th February: 69008 0Z69 09:40 Eastleigh - Victoria (where named Richard Howe) one two Flickr for the day
Thursday 29th February: 47727 0Z20 09:11 Derby - Eastleigh
Friday 1st March: 47727 (+ 701012) 5Q24 11:55 Eastleigh - Derby Flickr for the day
Saturday 2nd March: 47828 + 47712 1Z89 06:56 Nantwich - Portsmouth Harbour, 1Z90 16:56 Portsmouth Harbour - Nantwich Flickr for the day
66791, seen recently at Eastleigh, is reported as next to be hired to Colas. 70017 is also rumoured.
GBRf news of 69009's recent repaint.
455868 now in blue and grey. It was sent to Bournemouth on 29th January, and is expected to return as a staff special on the morning of 4th March.
Class 444 and 450 are all now re-vinyled for SWR, and attention is now expected to turn to the Class 158s.
Eastleigh Works: 02Nov - 08Nov - 09Nov - 15Nov - 29Nov - 30Nov - 01Dec - 04Dec- 05Dec - 07Dec - 12Dec - 13Dec - 20Dec - 21Dec - 03Jan - 04Jan - 10Jan - 11Jan