Friday, 19 March 2021

Eastleigh Works and T&RSMD, 17th March 2021

All of the really interesting locomotives seemed to be inside the works buildings. I understand now that I may have seen the 484s across the allotments, that will be for another time.

317890 was under disposal, it would appear that DTS(A) 77033 has proceeded first into the cutting area.

33.70.7899.054-2 is a TIA, which appears to have been soled and heeled, having arrived on the works on 12th September. Built by Arbel Fauvet in 1987.

78243, a TDA, arrived on the same day, and has received similar attention. Built by Marley Industrie in 1991-93.

This line up is 701013, 701004, 701016, and 701015.