Saturday, 13 February 2021

8th -13th February 2021

Monday 8th February: 156496 + 156447 5Q12 10:20 Eastleigh - Heaton one two three four five; 37608 + 37611+ 442408 (taken to Wolverton 8th October 2020) 5Q86 09:42 Wolverton - Bournemouth one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven, 37608 + 37611 + 442406 5Q70 19:06 Bournemouth - Eastleigh one two three 
Tuesday 9th February: 20007 + 20142 0Z20 09:00 Eastleigh - Fareham - Eastleigh, 0Z21 10:15 Eastleigh - Fareham - Eastleigh, 0Z22 11:14 Eastleigh - Fareham, 0Z23 12:43 Fareham - Eastleigh - Fareham, 0Z24 13:43 Fareham - Eastleigh - Fareham, 0Z26 15:43 Fareham - Eastleigh (not sure what all worked, RTT seemed to lose track); 47593 + 47501 (+ 17056 + 41167 + 41160 + 41166 + 41187 + 40804 + 44081 +41169 + 6311 - HST trailers understood for proposed 2021 summer Staycation Express HST) 5Z36 06:31 Crewe - Eastleigh one two three four five six, 47593 (+ 12171 + 6311)5Z37 16:00 Eastleigh - Crewe one two three four five six; 37608 + 37611 + 442406 5Q70 14:20 Eastleigh - Wolverton one two three four five six
Wednesday 10th February: 20007 + 20142 0Z20 09:00 Eastleigh - Fareham - Eastleigh, 0Z21 10:15 Eastleigh - Fareham - Eastleigh, 0Z22 11:14 Eastleigh - Fareham, 0Z23 12:43 Fareham - Eastleigh - Fareham, 0Z24 13:43 Fareham - Eastleigh (arr 13:36)  - Fareham, 0Z26 15:43 Fareham - Eastleigh - Fareham, 0Z27 16:43 Fareham - Eastleigh
Thursday 11th February: 
20007 + 20142 0Z20 09:00 Eastleigh - Fareham - Eastleigh, 0Z21 10:15 Eastleigh - Fareham - Eastleigh; 43013 + 43014 1X23 15:13 Salisbury - Southampton UGL - Salisbury (earlier at Wilton one two three)
Friday 12th February:
Saturday 13th February:

20007 + 20142 on Wednesday 10th one two three four

59003 has been working T+T on the Mountfield workings one two & Flickr for the week.

DB Cargo / ABP have moved the BMW Mini traffic from Purfleet to Southampton.

Next week: The line from Southampton to Redbridge is blocked with freight accessing Maritime from Redbridge.

Protect the UK's historical railway infrastructure from Highways England's wrecking ball.
A related article.