Saturday, 21 September 2019

16th - 21st September 2019

 47813 442402 47815 5Y87 09:40 Bournemouth - Eastleigh. Image by Ian Knight.

66711 remains on Eastleigh - Westbury duties, 6O41 10:14 from Westbury, passing Redbridge, 16th September. Image by Ian Knight.

60044 7V16 11:55 Fareham - Whatley, passing Dunbridge, 17th September.

59204 7V16 11:55 Fareham - Whatley, Romsey, 18th September. No word yet on the completion of sale for Class 59/2, but whispers suggest to a leasing company.

59005 KENNETH J PAINTER 7O40 13:35 Merehead - Eastleigh, passing Romsey, 20th September.

Sundat 15th September: 47813 + 47815 0O86 10:08 Leicester - Eastleigh one two
Monday 16th September: 47813 + 442418 + 47815 5Y86 06:15 Eastleigh - Bournemouth one two, 47813 + 442402 (minus motor car) + 47815 5Y87 09:40 Bournemouth - Eastleigh one two three four five
Tuesday 17th September: 47813 + 47815 0Y86 06:13 Eastleigh - Bournemouth one two, 47813 + 442422 + 47815 5Q87 09:40 Bournemouth - Eastleigh one two three four five; 60044 7O35 05:00 Westbury - Fareham, 6V16 11:55 Fareham - Whatley one two three four five six seven
Wednesday 18th September:
Thursday 19th September: 800110 5X82 09:16 Eastleigh - Acton one
Friday 20th September: 47813 + 442409 ?? + 47815 5Y86 06:15 Eastleigh - Bournemouth. 0M59 08:34 Bournemouth - Leicester one two three; 800113 5X41 14:17 Acton - Eastleigh one two three
Saturday 21st September: 

Class 484 – trains for the Isle of Wight & On the Wight

37602, currently on stands inside Eastleigh Works, for repairs to wheelsets, has been stored by DRS, along with 37606 and 57007, with similar wheelset issues.

Mendip Rail operational transition is expected on Sunday 3rd November.

Eastleigh Works: 27Aug - 28Aug - 29Aug