Saturday, 23 December 2023

18th - 23rd December 2023

Monday 18th December: 73962 + 73964 1Q51 1115 Derby - Weymouth - Eastleigh one
Tuesday 19th December: 73962 + 73964 1Q52 10:47 Eastleigh - Portsmouth Harbour - Littlehampton - Barnham- Portsmouth Harbour - Totton Yard - Havant - Guildford - Havant - Fareham - Eastleigh - Winchester - Basingstoke - Woking - Lymington Pier - Eastleigh one two47749 (+701526) 5Q20 09:09 Derby - Eastleigh one
Wednesday 20th December:   47749 (+ 701520 + 701522) 5Q75 0848 Eastleigh - Bicester one two Flickr for the day; 73962 + 73964 1Q53 12:00 Eastleigh - Up Yard - Wimbledon - Up Yard], 1Q53 18:05 Up Yard - Wimbledon - Totton - Romsey - Eastleigh; 47805 5Z47 22:58 Paddington - Eastleigh
Thursday 21st December: 73962 + 73964 1Q54 12:55 Eastleigh - Tonbridge; 37610 3Q04 2130 Woking - Eastleigh - Reading
Friday 22nd December: 47805 (+ 10411 + 41182 + Pegasus 310 + 6708) 5Z49 10::09 Eastleigh - Crewe one Flickr for the day
Saturday 23rd December:

The set of YVA cable drum carries, seen on 17th February 2022, was sent for scrap 6Z20 05:19 Hinksey - Kingsbury on 13th December, listed in the same order as observed before. No status for the VXA end wagons.

RAIB has raised concerns about the operation of the centre wagons of FWA 'Ecofret2' triple container flats (FWA-D) following a derailment at London Gateway on 24th December 2021. These are in GBRf intermodal traffic.'

56081 is reported as slated for withdrawal in early 2024, possibly to become 69017.

Government sets ambitious target to grow rail freight by at least 75% :'No mention of intermodal or other flows related to Southampton. (No strategic identified routes, no new paths since HS2 cancellation, no apparent capital or lease plan, no specific locomotives (Class 60s??), no wagons, "to 2050" - so I have to consider as a political statement made on behalf of the ruling party, which lacking strategic details should not be on a government website). 

West Coast Railway Co have lost their judicial review over the central door locking derogations - BBC - Yorkshire Post - Judgement