Saturday, 29 January 2022

69004 at Eastleigh, 28th January 2022

69004 has been converted from 56069, originally delivered in December 1979 from BREL Doncaster, as seen in May 1980.Withdrawn by EWS in February 2004. Hired to Fertis in France from September 2004 until return in January 2007. To EMR Kingsbury in September 2012 (one two), but removed from scrapyard in May 2013 (one two three) when taken by UK Rail Leasing. To Longport for the Class 69 project in July 2018.

69004 0Y69 09:59 Tonbridge West Yard Gbrf - Eastleigh Works Gbrf

69004 arrives at Eastleigh station.

Four pictures taken while waiting in the platform to change direction.

The roof panel behind the cab, close to the electrification warning sign, bears the marking "069" consistent with the former identity.