Sunday, 3 October 2021

Loco hauled at Romsey, 1st October 2021


66534 OOCL Express + 66594 NYK Spirit of Kyoto 0O80 13:05 Stoke Gifford - Eastleigh.

Departing view of 66594.

59003 YEOMAN HIGHLANDER + 66728 Institution of Railway Operators + 66181 running as 6V41 14:48 Eastleigh - Westbury, which was formed of MHA and MPA wagons.

59102 Village of Chantry leading 7V07 13:41 Chichester - Merehead.

Needing a wash, 66416 was at the front of 4O57 13:29 Wentloog - Maritime.

The first KTA wagon was GERS 97771. There were 22 KTA wagons in the rake, a mix of those in the earlier 'KTA Liner' rakes, with some others mixed in.