Saturday, 14 August 2021

9th - 14th August 2021


4-CEP motor coaches 61229 and 61230 awaiting removal from Eastleigh Works, 11th August. These arrived in the Works in January 2014, but status appears to be as last documented in 2017. The EPB Preservation Group owns the units, and the MLVs which came to run with the CEP coaches.

66846 laying over at Eastleigh, 11th August.

Sunday 8th August: 57002+ 57003 0Z45 14:33 Eastleigh - Crewe one two three four (were moving snowploughs from Kilmarnock later in the week)
Monday 9th August: 66773 6Z59 16:45 Bristol East - Eastleigh (Portbury stone wagons, diverted to Bristol East) one two
Tuesday 10th August: 20142 + 20007 0M20 08:13 Eastleigh - Tyseley one two three four; 66773 6Y58 11:45 Eastleigh - Tonbridge (wagons from 6Z59) one
Wednesday 11th August: 67001 + 67021 1Y91 11:31 Victoria-Hove one two; 69001 + 66796 0O69 11:00 Longport - Eastleigh one two three, 69001 0Y69 17:39 Eastleigh - Tonbridge Flickr for the day
Thursday 12th August: 66769 + 66725 T+T 5Z82 07:3 Eastleigh - Victoria (for naming), 5Z83 16:46 Victoria - Eastleigh one two Flickr for the day; 33025 (+ MLV's 68001 + 68002) 5Z38 08:49 Southall - Eastleigh one two , 33025 (+ 4-CEP coaches+ MLVs ) 5Z46 13:37 Eastleigh - Southall one Flickr for the day; 450069 1Z32 10:45 Bournemouth - Waterloo (Key Workers livery) one two three, 5Z33 13:39 Waterloo - Bournemouth one; 47727 + 701019 5Q10 07:11 Derby - Eastleigh, 47727 0Z47 15:59 Eastleigh - Wembley one Flickr for the day
Friday 13th August: 37069 + 37402 0Z10 11:35 Willesden Brent - Eastleigh one two three four five six
Saturday 14th August: 37402 + 37069 1Z10 05:19 Eastleigh - Norwich, 1Z11 17:03 Norwich - Eastleigh Flickr for the day

08785 completed the journey from Felixstowe to Ipswich on Saturday 7th one two three four five six seven

59003 is back out, on driver trainer activities one two, and now at Westbury.

43083 in Eastleigh Works (arrived 11th June 2020) has provided spare parts for the 'nose job'repair of 43055 at Neville Hill, now completed.

The Ferry Scenery Vans, 083644 and 083664, at the airport sidings in Eastleigh were moved to the Mid-Hants Railway on 18th June.

SWR December 2022: Timetable Consultation

"Even though passengers are now returning to the railways, all the forecasts suggest they will not return to pre-Covid levels for the foreseeable future. The December 2022 timetable is our opportunity to plan for a long-term timetable that will retain the reliability improvements we’ve made, meet the forecast demand and provide value for the taxpayer while balancing other local and national priorities."