Thursday, 17 December 2020

Dunbridge, on a rainier day, 15th December 2020

59202 Alan Meddows Taylor MD Mendip Rail Limited 7V16 11:55 Fareham-Whatley,the same O&K set as on the previous day.

DR98972 leads 06:15 Totton Yard - Totton Yard. Is this the last week for RHTT?

66619 Derek W. Johnson MBE returning with 7V62 1321 Up Yard - Whatley.

Coupling and single pipe air brake arrangement of KEA wagon VTG 3178 in 7V62.

66537 with a moderately loaded 4M65 13:46 Maritime - Lawley Street.

66504 in the rain with 6V09 13:41 Chichester - Merehead.