Saturday 12 October 2019

7th - 12th October 2019

66727 Maritime One was the Westbury - Eastleigh captive, passing Romsey on 7th October 6O39 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh.

66735 Peterborough United was being dragged at the rear of the train, and took over as the Eastleigh - Westbury captive.

With 4 weeks to go for DB Cargo operations, 59203 passed with 7V16 11:56 Fareham - Whatley on 7th.

Sunday 6th October: 73963 at Eastleigh one
Monday 7th October: 66774 + 801205 5X82 Eastleigh - Acton one two three; 73963 + 73965 1Q64 18:38 Eastleigh - London routes - Eastleigh
Tuesday 8th October: 802213 5X82 08:23 Eastleigh - Acton one two three four five six; 73963 + 73965 1Q65 19:27 Eastleigh - Waterloo - Horsham - Waterloo - Eastleigh
Wednesday 9th October: 73963 + 73965 1Q66 10:37 Eastleigh - Marchwood - Fawley (?) - Eastleigh - Laverstock - Woking (?) - Laverstock - Eastleigh; 73951 + 73952 0Z73 10:14 Derby - Eastleigh one two three;
Thursday 10th October: 73951 + 73952 0Z76 12:55 Eastleigh - Staines - Eastleigh; 73963 + 73965 1Q67 14:37 Eastleigh - Tonbridge; 66731 + 60026 + 73970 6E15 21:06 Eastleigh - Scunthorpe one two three four
Friday 11th October: 73951 + 73952 0Z76 12:55 Eastleigh - Staines - Eastleigh one two; 67021 + 67024 1Y91 11:31 Victoria - Hove one two
Saturday 12th October: 73951 + 73952 0Z73 09:05 Eastleigh - Derby one two three

59202 is now back in circulation at Westbury, with a drag to London on 8th then a run with 59204 in 7C77 12:41 Acton - Merehead on 9th, then a working at night to Eastleigh and back. However on Friday it was at Eastleigh and was moved within the consist of the afternoon 6V40 back to Westbury.

Eastleigh Works: 14Sep - 18Sep - 19Sep - 20Sep - 23Sep - 24Sep - 26Sep - 27Sep - 30Sep

Five DB Cargo Class 66 on long term lease to DRS: 66031 - 66091 (08Feb19)- 66108 - 66122 - 66126 (08Dec18). Anticipation is for DRS to exit from 'heritage' traction in near term.

Prototype HST power car 41001 to be returned to the NRM - 125 Group tweet - NRM tweet (critical of 125 Group). My ride in 2015. More positively, Porterbook have announced that they will donate 43048 & 43089 to the group once these have completed EMR duties.