Saturday 23 February 2019

18th - 23rd February 2019

66014 shunts an empty LWR train at Eastleigh, 23rd February 2019.

Monday 18th February: 800106 5X82 10:01 Eastleigh - Acton Main Line (for Doncaster) one two three four; 73964 + 73965 1Q51 11:15 Derby - Eastleigh - Weymouth - Eastleigh one two
Tuesday 19th February: 47812 + 47815 DIT 0O86 10:01 Leicester - Eastleigh one two three; 73964 + 73965 1Q52 10:37 Eastleigh - Portsmouth Harbour - Littlehampton - Portsmouth Harbour - Totton Yard - Havant - Guildford - Havant - Fareham - Eastleigh - Woking - Lymington Pier -Eastleigh one two three
Wednesday 20th February: 73964 + 73965 1Q53 11:48 Eastleigh  - Southampton Up Yard - Wimbledon Park - Southampton Up Yard - Wimbledon Park - Totton Yard - Eastleigh - Romsey - Eastleigh one two three four; 47749 at Eastleigh Works - worked from Leicester sometime over Mon-Tue - for repaint
Thursday 21st February: 73964 + 73965 1Q54 12:27 Eastleigh - Tonbridge West one two three four five six
Friday 22nd February:
Saturday 23rd February: 800110 (5Q40 22:00 Merchant Park - Doncaster, 5X40 00:56 Doncaster - Acton Mainline) 5X41 04:08 Acton Mainline - Eastleigh. Two IEP trains at Eastleigh today, the other is 800108

47813 now sports miniature ploughs, and is named Jack Frost.

Network Rail is seeking to dispose of the MOBC, mainly already moved to Dollands Moor, and anticipated for sale into Europe.

Eastleigh Works: 18Jan - 21Jan - 22Jan - 23Jan - 24Jan - 28Jan - 31Jan - 01Feb - 05Feb - 08Feb