Saturday 22 December 2018

Wagons around Eastleigh, 16th December 2018

Four KHA wagons were converted from KFA at Eastleigh Works for use in pairs between the Windhoff  MPVs, but after the first four wagons were converted, the project did not go forward, possibly related to the dissolution of the SWT Alliance. 99 70 9319 001-2 was the first of the group, with all four in a row on this occasion. Originally TIPH 93362, later renumbered 83 70 4574 003-7 for Channel Tunnel traffic. Geismar DR 98305 lies behind.

Next in line was 99 70 9319 002-0 formerly 83 70 4574 008-6, previously KFA TIPH 93309.

DR 89008 is a YXA built by Cowans Boyd in 1985.