Friday, 27 April 2018

Steam workings in Fife, 21st April 2018

45699              5Z58 04:42 Joppa Straight to Perth (few saw this one!)
61264 + 47760      1Z60 07:50 Edinburgh to Inverness
45690              1Z29 09:56 Linlithgow to Linlithgow
45690              1Z30 14:23 Linlithgow to Inverkeithing (ran twice across Forth Bridge)
47237 + 45690      5Z30 19:30 Inverkeithing to Bo'ness Jn Exchange Sdg

Probably the busiest day for steam across the Forth Bridge and in Fife since 1966, and similarly the first visit of a B1 since then.

23rd April: 61264 + 47237 5Z71 14:38 Perth to Bo'ness Jn Exchange Sdg (for road transport to NYMR)

B1 1264 passing Aberdour (2 pictures)

45690 Leander at Hawkcraig Road, Aberdour with the morning 'Forth Circle'

A closer view of the locomotive.

45690 with the afternoon train at Little Couston.

Crossing the main road to Kirkcaldy.

Journey's end for the day at Inverkeithing (2 pictures)