Saturday, 28 April 2018

22nd - 28th April 2018

D6515 (33012) passing Millbrook, 22nd April. Image by Ian Knight.

313212 passes Bedhampton with 2N20 12:29 Portsmouth Harbour to Brighton

Sunday 22nd April: 33012 0Z33 17:00 Swanage - Eastleigh East Yard one two; 66778 + 47749 one 5Z47 22:59 Pengham - Eastleigh
Monday 23rd April: 33012 0Z35 07:47 Eastleigh East Yard -West Ruislip Lul Dept Gbrf one two three
Tuesday 24th April: 66786 + 66777 + 66723 + 47749 + 66778 0E08 Eastleigh - Peterborough one two three four
Wednesday 25th April:
Thursday 26th April: 37668 0Z25 11:11 Bristol - Salisbury - Romsey - Redbridge - Southampton - Swanage one two three
Friday 27th April: 45212 + 37668 T+T 1Z27 08:40 Swanage - Southampton - Cosham - Havant - Victoria one two three four five six seven
Saturday 28th April: 

66595: now at Leeds in preparation for movement to Poland, may move to Immingham on Saturday 28th (seen here at Eastleigh on 19th)

70007: returned to traffic, with some initial hiccups. Failed on Monday, but repaired again by Thursday.

Eastleigh Works: further Swanage dmu outshopped

SWR Performance Review: ITV News - Daily Echo

Flickr sold to Smugmug: Reuters - Business Insider - Fast Company - CNetSmugmug

365523 to Scotland: - was noted passing in opposite direction while on M74 southbound 22nd April one