Saturday, 31 March 2018

26th -31st March 2018

07007 with rakes of former FastLine IIA hoppers. The core rake had been in use on a Colas operated flow from Avonmouth to Aberthaw Power Station, seen here at Newport on 25th January, which was already seasonal, and may have concluded, the last run was on 28th February. The hoppers, built by IRS in Romania in 2008, are here for work to be performed, the nature of which is uncertain.

158888 shows the now superseded two tone grey version of SWR colours. Romsey, 30th March.

Monday 26th March:
Tuesday 27th March: 70803 4Z78 10:00 Aberthaw - Eastleigh one two three four and shunted by 57309 one
Wednesday 28th March: 37259 + 37605 0Z37 04:54 Crewe  - Eastleigh one two
Thursday 29th March: 66230 5Z47 12:49 Eastleigh - Crewe one two
Friday 30th March: 37259 + 37605 5Z66 (1Z??) 02:03 Eastleigh - Basingstoke - Cardiff one two; 37099 3Qxx 23:00 (Thu) Westbury - WInchester Baltic Siding - Westbury - Reading one two; 20189 + 20205 0Z12 1635 West Ruislip Lul Dept Gbrf to Eastleigh pictures
Saturday 31st March:

70007 being reinstated DFGI from store, having moved from the storage line on 27th March and currently under repair at Leeds Midland Road. 70019 goes into storage DHLT, having been at same location since late November. Both seen here together on 18th February.

The Easter Chieftain: Friday 30th