Monday, 1 January 2018

SRPS Diesel Gala, 29th December 2017

With forecast, and soon delivered, snow to contend with, to Bo'ness for the Diesel Gala. Colas 56087 had a forward / reverse relay problem at Grangemouth, so 56078 was allocated to work on the Prestwick tanks, instead of attending at Bo'ness. A 70/8 fancied earlier was reported as unserviceable.

Credit to the SRPS Diesel Group for organising the event, especially with the morning weather conditions being against them.

A full set appears on OneDrive.

88005 Minerva arrived at Manuel, and after attention to points, advances to couple up with 47643.

47643 providing ETH on the first train of the day, seen in the snow at Manuel.

A bit less snow at Bo'ness, with 88005 "awaiting the off".

88005 prepares to come on a train at Bo'ness.

At the beginning of the day, and before the snow, 37067 (37703) is ready with the first train.

A front view taken shortly later, and in full dullness.

27001 has been patched up to support the diesel fleet while 37025 and 37403 are active on the main line, 26038 is at the NYMR, and 20020 has been sidelined.