Saturday 13 January 2018
8th - 13th January 2018
Monday 8th January:
Tuesday 9th January:
Wednesday 10th January: 37884 6O86 04:30 Wembley - Eastern Docks (but actually went into Eastleigh Works) one two three four five six, 0Z72 13:35 Eastleigh - Wembley; 08585 delivered to Maritime one, with 08624 removed
Thursday 11th January: 57303 5Z70 01:27 Crewe- Eastleigh, 0Z68 10:19 Eastleigh - Willesden Brent; 43013 + 43062 (NMT) 1X23 (?) 15:13 Salisbury - Redbridge - Southampton UGL - Redbridge - Salisbury (on same day one two three four)
Friday 12th January:
Saturday 13th January:
70011, seen last weekend being worked DIT to Maritime, was forwarded DIT to Leeds on Mon 8th, it appears to be a roundabout set of workings to get from Ipswich to Leeds.
Eastleigh Works (including 66046): 02Jan - 03Jan - 08Jan - 09Jan - 10Jan - 47812 is now receiving replacement wheels.
Change in landlord ownership of Eastleigh Works
Great Western Rail Franchise Public Consultation