Saturday, 11 February 2017

6th - 11th February 2017

Monday 6th February 2017:
Tuesday 7th February 2017:
Wednesday 8th February 2017: 66303 0Z70 01:10 Crewe - Eastleigh (seen here on 6th), 66301 (+17167) 5Z68 10:19 Eastleigh - Willesden Brent one two
Thursday 9th February 2017: 47812 0O86 12:05 Wembley - Eastleigh one two
Friday 10th February 2017: 47812 (+2414) 5L46 11:48 Eastleigh - Ely one two
Saturday 11th February 2017:

70013 has been reinstated to pool DFGI (Freightliner Intermodal Class 70) but as of Wednesday was allocated to 'CL08' at Basford Hall.

70803 is understood to be under full repair at Laira.

The DRS loco sales have been partially announced, and the earlier page has been updated,

50017 and 50050 are for sale

Hamworthy Stone was 59103 on Wednesday and 59204 on Friday.

Eastleigh Works: 26Jan - 31Jan - 01Feb - 03Feb