Saturday, 5 September 2015

31st August - 5th September 2015

34067 Tangmere at Dunbridge on Wednesday 2nd.
47832, my first sighting in West Coast red, and first visit to the South Coast since repair and repaint.
70810 with 6O31 at Romsey, Thursday 3rd.

Monday 31st August:
Tuesday 1st September:
Wednesday 2nd September: 57310 6Z70 01:27 Crewe - Eastleigh one two, 5Z68 12:38 Eastleigh - Willesden Brent (RB 1680 + TSO 6067) one two three four; 34067 + 47832 1Z67 08:44 Victoria - Weymouth one two three four, 1Z69 16:35 Weymouth - Southampton - Waterloo one two three
Thursday 3rd September: 60011 6X01 Scunthorpe - Eastleigh one two three four five, 6E15 21:06 Eastleigh - Scunthorpe
Friday 4th September: 
Saturday 5th September: 34067 + 47832 1Z92 06:48 Three Bridges - Weymouth one two three four, 1Z94 16:35 Weymouth - Eastleigh - Three Bridges (47832 ran around and led from Eastleigh) one two, 34067 5Z60 18:41 Eastleigh - Southall one

Eastleigh Works: 10Aug