35028 Clan Line passes Southampton Maritime with 'The End of Southern Steam' on 9th July. Image by Ian Knight.

5902 passes Millbrook as 5B39 10:01 Wimbledon Park - Bournemouth T&R.S.M.D, 9th July. This unit was new from BREL York in February 1985.

458426 on test as 5Q90 11:19 Bournemouth - Basingstoke, Millbrook, 9th July. This unit, built by Alstom, at Washford Heath, was delivered in April 2001, and most recently redelivered from Alstom, Widnes, one week previously.

458412, new in May 2000, was moved to Widnes on 14th May as 458512, then returned as 458412 on 11th June.

701008 was running as 5Q51 11:14 Waterloo - Staines Up Loop. Originally delivered on 1st September 2020, then sent to Widnes on 26th May 2021, taken out of storage at Worksop in April, and redelivered from Derby to Wimbledon on 17th June.
Tuesday 9th July: 69010 0Z10 06:00 Leicester - Marchwood (was planned to extract 701046 after 15 months of storage), 0Q84 / 0Z84 13:15 Marchwood - Wimbledon Park (to return to Leicester - an apparent waste of time and energy) Flickr for the day; 35028 + 47812 1Z96 17:36 Weymouth - Waterloo Flickr for the day
Wednesday 10th July:
Thursday 11th July: 50008 + 50021 (+ 4-TC) 1Z50 12:05 Eastleigh - Alton Flickr for the day; 69008 0Z84 11:11 Eastleigh - Marchwood, 69008 (+ 701046) 5Q84 13:15 Marchwood - Eastleigh
Friday 12th July: 802014 5X80 11:31 Eastleigh - Reading one; 69012 0Z12 12:59 Eastleigh Works - Tonbridge Flickr for the day; 43059 0Z44 08:15 Crewe - Eastleigh one two Flickr for the day
Saturday 13th July:
69012 is named FALCON 2, and carries the second version of the two-tone green livery once worn by D0280. one two three
"DB Cargo now runs a new flow from East Midlands Gateway to Southampton and return 5 days a week , 4M55 and 4O55." It seems that the Maritime Transport traffic was taken from GBRf, and the flow operates to and from the Maritime terminal given capacity issues at Western Docks. 4M54 seems to be the actual working rather than 4M55.
- 4O55 21:51 East Mids Gateway Tml Dbc to Southampton M.C.T. Ews
- 4M54 09:29 Southampton M.C.T. Ews to East Mids Gateway Tml Dbc