The narrative appears to have been that 69008 Richard Howe came down from Wimbledon on Monday 8th, but something prevented it from going to Marchwood to collect 701046. 69010 came down from Leicester on 9th, but failed to couple up to 701046, so returned light engine to Wimbledon and onward to Leicester. 69008 moved to the Works on the 9th, and was able to work to Marchwood from there on 11th. 701046 was extracted to schedule on this day, where the train entered Eastleigh East Yard as scheduled for a planned wait, but it became 'game over' for the day, and 69008 returned light engine to Leicester.
UPDATE: By Sunday 14th, 701046 was in the T&RSMD sidings, close to the airport.

69008 started and running at Eastleigh Works.

Departing for Marchwood, 0Z84 11:11 Eastleigh East Yard - Marchwood Mod Gbrf