Saturday, 4 February 2023

30th January - 4th February 2023


Two views of 47739 at Southampton, while passing as 0Z95 on Monday 30th January.

66539 with an all-Greenbrier JNA rake on 6V62 13:21 Up Yard - Whatley, passing Romsey, 2nd February.

Sunday 29th January: 47739 0O69 13:20 Wembley - Eastleigh
Monday 30th January: 47739 (+701049) 5Q95 07:11½ Eastleigh - Marchwood, 47739 0Z95 09:55 Marchwood - Eastleigh Flickr for the day; 43055 (+ 41059 + 41183 + 41162 + 40802) + 43046 5Z44 09:46 Eastleigh - Crewe one two Flickr for the day
Tuesday 31st January: 47739 (+701038) 5Q95 07:12½ Eastleigh - Marchwood, 47739 0Z95 09:55 Marchwood - Eastleigh, 47739 (+701045) 5Q96 11:30½ Eastleigh- Marchwood, 47739 0Z96 13:17 Marchwood - Eastleigh, 0M47 15:30 Eastleigh - Wembley Flickr for the day
Wednesday 1st February:
Thursday 2nd February:
Friday 3rd February: 47739 0O47 11:00 Leicester - Eastleigh one two
Saturday 4th February:

Mount Pleasant footbridge is reported to be planned for demolition and replacement, starting mid-February

"37602 is being prepared for movement from Eastleigh Works to Eastleigh East Yard, presumably for road transport from there to Worksop". - wessexned on wnxxfourm

Class 701 drags to Marchwood expect again run next week, 47739 has arrived, paths are in for Monday and Tuesday, as before, then Wednesday morning.

David Macbrayne Ltd, a Scottish Government entity, which owns Calmac, have sold its share of Solent Gateway, which operates Marchwood Port, to ABP.

Class 69 - from RAIL, expected return in April - 69002 & 69004 now at Longport, remainder now at Peterborough.

Hook Landslip - crane breakdown - Volker Rail Kirow 1200UK crane DRK 81613

DRK 81613 passing Millbrook, 26th January.