Sunday, 5 December 2021

Freight at Easteigh, 3rd December 2021


66160 arriving with 6M48 10:34 Eastern Docks - Halewood.

Some of the IPA wagons in the Groupe CAT fleet were in the colours applied at Eastleigh Works since 2020. This, again, is 23.87.4384.042-9.

Also in this fleet is a double deck IPA type, 23.87.4375.019-8, built by Arbel Fauvet in 1978.

66548 was in the station at the same time with 4O15 06:44 Lawley Street - Maritime. The rake included further FFA-G wagons.

66701 arriving with 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh. This loco was sitting in on 59003's regular turn.

66737 Lesia makes its arrival with 4M19 11::50 Westernt Docks - East Midlands.

GBRf also have new wagons, leased from VTG. These are 'Ecofret 2' FWA-C (outer) and FWA-D (centre) wagons in sets of three, manufactured by WH Davis. This is FWA-C 83.70.4520.280-6.

An example of the adjacent centre wagon, FWA-D 83.70.4521.076-7. Bogies are type TF20 from Wabtec, which also run under the Freightliner FFA-G's.

70002 does its thing while accelerating with 4O14 05:36 Garston - Maritime.

By contrast, 66148 Maritime Intermodal Seven crawled while awaiting for an amber, with 4O43 03:59 Wakefield - Western Docks, which had been recessed in the East Yard.