Friday, 7 August 2020

Tractors on the Test Train, St Denys, 5th August 2020

37421 + 37025 Inverness TMD 1Q53 11:48 Eastleigh - Up Yard - Wimbledon - Up Yard
The same test coaches as seen at Dunbridge on 4th June, and also similar to those of August 2019.

37025 was allocated to Inverness until 19th January 1986, when it was transferred to Eastfield. 37421 was allocated to Inverness from 12th January 1986, following its HGR overhaul and fitting of ETH. One appears to have more or less been swapped for the other in these now far off times.

37421 lead through St Denys.

977868 Radio Survey Train Test coach

977983 Electrification Measurement Vehicle

5981 Plain Line Pattern Recognition vehicle "PLPR2"

6264 Generator Van

37025 makes the departure from the Up Yard

37421 was under blue star coupled power on the rear.