Something caused 2 hour delays in the Birmingham area, so the Birch Coppice and Garston trains arrived much later than usual, with a very busy period in the half hour from just before 14:00.
66533 paused in platform 3, having arrived as an early 0O26 from Hinksey, and came forward to work to Maritime.
70008 arrives with flats for weekend storage, 4B06 11:10 Maritme - Eastleigh.
66509 arrives with the regularly early working of 0W29 "16:04" Maritime - Eastleigh, some 4 hours early. The locomotive was then parked in the stabling area.
As returning 0B06 12:00 Eastleigh East Yard - Maritime, 70008 passes the arriving 66509.
Then came an hour of nothingness - to the benefit of retail in Eastleigh.
The first delayed Freightliner, 66589 with 4O05 07:03 Birch Coppice - Maritime, which departed at 13:29.
66156 leads 4O40 1044 Morris Cowley - Eastern Docks, passing at 13:57.
The second delayed Freightliner, 70005 with 4O27 05:21 Garston - Maritime, arriving at 14:04.
4O29 08:50 Basford Hall - Maritime was held for a while behind 4O27 waiting for it to move onwards from platform 3. Arriving here behind 66563, only 10 minutes late.