Saturday, 8 April 2017

Archive Shots - Class 40s at Haymarket, 7th March 1979

Four Class 40 locomotives at Haymarket, on an organised visit on the afternoon of 7th March 1979.

40162 (HA), a Class 47/4 and another Class 40, which from my notes and elimination of nose end types, is 40148 (HA).

40162 was new to 64B Haymarket as D362 on 11th October 1961, and while reallocated latterly to KD (Carlisle Kingmoor) it was withdrawn from HA on 14th December 1982, since overdue classfied repair, and had bogie fractures. Dual brakes had been fitted in 1972. After withdrawal it sat in a siding at Haymarket for a long while, as it was missing a pony wheel for one of its bogies. Eventually it was dragged to Millerhill for disposal by McWilliam in April 1986.

40148 was new to 55H Neville Hill as D348 on 7th June 1961. Transferred from the ER to HA in early 1978. After HA it was allocated to LO (Longsight). It remained only vacuum fitted. Withdrawn on 4th August 1982, to provide bogies for 40012 and power unit for 40074, after which it was stored at Stratford, Doncaster, and Healey Mills before disposal at Doncaster Works in July 1985.

40184 (HA), nearer the camera and 40173(HA) are parked in one of the 'out of use' sidings. They sat as a pair from 2nd to at least the 15th of March.

40184 was new as D384 on 19th March 1962 to 1B Camden, and migrated from the LMR to Haymarket in May 1974. It remained only vacuum fitted. Later allocated to LO, and withdrawn on 21st December 1982 for a main generator flashover and poor bogies. Stored at Carlisle Kingmoor then Gateshead, before disposal at Doncaster Works in December 1983.

40173 was new as D373 to 1B Camden on 5th January 1962. Like 40184 it migrated to HA in May 1974 (at the completion of the WCML electrification), and remained there until withdrawn on 24th August 1981. It was then stored at Eastfield, Dunfermline and Perth, where it was stripped to a shell, before unusually being disposed of at Inverkeithing in May 1985, the circumstances surrounding this being an RCTS Diesel Dilemma.