Saturday, 8 January 2011

3rd - 8th January 2011

Monday 3rd January: 
Tuesday 4th January:
Wednesday 5th January: 59005 + 59102 + 59103 0V98 03:28 Eastleigh - Merehead, 66845 6Z56 03:30 Eastleigh - Boston, 67027 5Z51 04:10 Eastleigh - Eastern Docks, 1Z51 10:38 Eastern Docks - Glasgow
Thursday 6th Janaury: 67030 5O61 10:26 Wembley - Eastleigh
Friday 7th January:
Saturday 8th January:

Class 70 for Freightliner. 70008 and 70009 have been allocated to Freightliner Intermodal DFGI pool, joining 70001 and 70007; 70010 and 70011 to Freightliner HeavyHaul DFGH pool. Will we see DFGI pool members at Southampton?

70012 was dropped into the Beluga Endurance while being unloaded at Newport. We are all awaiting advice, but it seems possible that this locomotive will be written off. 

Some pictures of the loading of the locomotives at Erie. The ship was loaded and unloaded using the on-board cranes.

UPDATE 2: Pictures of banana like bent locomotive at Newport.

Eastleigh Works 31st December 1 2