Friday, 30 October 2020

Eastleigh Works and T&RSMD, 28th October 2020

57305 has been at the works since 1st June. Back on its bogies, and now without its Northern Princess nameplates, a test cable is seen routed through the cab window while some engine run-ups were performed. Later the locomotive re-entered the works under its own power. A repaint coming soon? Back in my schooldays this was 47164.

70812 departed from the works within an hour of this picture, then worked 6V27 to Hinksey.

A view of the works yard, four Class 442s can be seen, but two are only formed as 4 car units. A Class 142 between some of the Class 442s. Nearer are what appear to be three newly overhauled Touax KFA intermodal wagons, and two MLA box wagons.

The Class 701 units were 701008, 701012, 701002 the first two have the revised front numbering format.