Saturday, 10 November 2018

5th - 10th November 2018

70006 passes Romsey with 4M98 17:30 Maritime - Garston, 9th November.

Monday 5th November: 60062 7O43 21:12 Westbury - Eastleigh
Tuesday 6th November: 60062 7V98 03:28 Eastleigh - Merehead, 7O44 21:12 Westbury - Botley one; 37219 23:11 Reading - Portsmouth - Woking - Eastleigh; 442404 + 442414 5Q42 16:50 Fratton - Southampton - Woking - Southampton - Fratton one two three
Wednesday 7th November: 60062 7V97 02:59 Botley - Merehead; 59003 0Z60 09:42 Doncaster - Eastleigh (but went to Westbury before going to Eastleigh) one two three; 442404 + 442414 4Q30 10:25 Fratton - Bournemouth, 5Q31 14:09 Bournemouth - Fratton one; 37219 at Eastleigh one
Thursday 8th November: 180112 5Q86 08:45 Crofton - Eastleigh one two; 60062 7O44 21:12 Westbury - Botley one two three four five six; 37219 23:44 Eastleigh - Romsey- Bristol; 
Friday 9th November: 60062 7V97 02:59 Botley - Merehead; 180102 5Q12 10:21 Eastleigh - Heaton one two
Saturday 10th November: 395017 + 395018 1Z85 12:48 Portsmouth Harbour - Southampton one two three four, 1Z86 14:10 Southampton - Portsmouth Harbour one two three

It's possible that 60062 may have had other nocturnal workings.

47813 outside Eastleigh Works

66413 named Lest We Forget at Southampton on 5th November. A further Tweet. At work this week one two three four five