Saturday, 9 December 2017

4th - 9th December 2017

33207 + 47245 depart Eastleigh with ECS on 4th. Image by Ian Knight.

66003 passes Dunbridge, on 5th December, with 7V16 11:47 Fareham - Whatley.

Monday 4th December: 33207 + 47245 0Z60 08:30 Southall - Eastleigh one two, 5Z47 12:20 Eastleigh - Carnforth (coaches 1207 + 1221; from long term storage at ZG for VSOE / Belmond, a movement related to sale of Northern Belle to West Coast) one two three four five
Tuesday 5th December: 45212 + 47580 T+T 1Z92 09:21 Alton - Guildford - Petersfield - Havant - Fareham - Southampton - Bath, 1Z94 18;54 Bath - Romsey - Eastleigh - Alton (losing 45212 at Salisbury 5Z95 20:04 Salisbury - Southall), eventually running 2½ hours late after signal failures in Bath area.
Wednesday 6th December: 158890 5O96 10:00 Loughborough - Salisbury (multiple pictures)
Thursday 7th December: 180104 5O86 1511 Old Oak Common - Eastleigh one
Friday 8th December:
Saturday 9th December:

Colas Rail Class 47s: 47727, 47737 and 47749 are sold to GBRf.