Saturday, 1 October 2016
26th September - 1st October 2016
Monday 26th September: 37175 + 37219 T+T 1Q51 11:15 Derby - Weymouth - Eastleigh one two
Tuesday 27th September: 47812 0O42(?) 13:05 Ely - Eastleigh one two; 66044 + 60091 6X01 10:17 Scunthorpe Trent - Eastleigh one two three four (60091 moved to Westbury at some point thereafter)
Wednesday 28th September: 47812 + 442418 5E42 04:15 Eastleigh - Ely one two; 66302 + 37601 + 37612 0Z70 Crewe - Eastleigh; 73107 + 73109 5Y63 09:30 Eastleigh - Tonbridge one; 66305 0Z68 10:21 Eastleigh - Willesden one; 6201 + 47580 T+T 1Z67 08:43 Victoria - Swanage one two three four five six seven, 1Z69 17:20 Swanage - Southampton - Redbridge - Laverstock - Waterloo one two three four; 37175 + 37219 T+T 1Q53 11:58 Eastleigh - Wimbledon Park - Eastleigh - Wimbledon Park - Totton Yard - Eastleigh one two three four five six
Thursday 29th September: 37601 + 37612 1Z49 10:21 Eastleigh - Paignton one two three; 37175 + 37219 T+T 1Q54 12:27 Eastleigh - Tonbridge one
Friday 30th September: 60091 7O40 13:35 Merehead - Eastleigh one, 7V33 20:00 Eastleigh - Merehead
Saturday 1st October:
Eastleigh Works
On Monday 08454 arrived from Edge Hill (Liverpool) one, and 08617 two departed to Oxley (Wolverhampton).
Previously listed Freightliner Class 70s remain out of traffic at Leeds.