66750 Bristol Panel Signal Box, 66848 and 66432 at Eastleigh Works, on an ICRS Members' Day, 4th June. 66432 arrived on 1st June for repainting.
47841 is in storage, and is missing some lights and a driver's side window.
47818 (operational), 08611 and 50026 Indominatable.
Stored 442422 is also present on the right.
Monday 30th May: 66743 0E66 08:44 Eastleigh - Doncaster one
Tuesday 31st May: 60100 7O35 06:05 Westbury - Fareham, 7V16 12:50 Fareham - Merehead one two three
Wednesday 1st June: 66432 0Z70 06:17 Willesden - Eastleigh one; 66433 0Z568 10:21 Eastleigh - Willesden one two
Thursday 2nd June: 43013 + 43014 13:39 Salisbury - Southampton UGL (- Salisbury) but then vanished on RTT after Millbrook
Friday 3rd June: 67029 (DVT 82146) 5Z05 04:02 Toton - Basingstoke - Salisbury (reverse) - Southampton one, 1Z05 10:42 Southampton - London Gateway one two three four five
Saturday 4th June:
Eastleigh Works: 19Apr - 20Apr - 21Apr - 25Apr - 26Apr - 27Apr - 28Apr - 29Apr
Elsewhere, DRS has moved 57004 + 57008 + 57009 into storage at Longtown one two three, with 57010 + 57011 + 57012 reported to follow shortly.